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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  October 2, 2013 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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going to give you permission to take a nap. >> okay. sounds good. captions by: caption colorado
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bus loads of veterans broke through to the world war ii memorial. >> were you going to see it one way or the other? >> yes indeed. >> justin bieber carried up the great wall of china by body guards. when your job description includes carrying a teen pop star up step, might be time to start browsing
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welcome to "cbs this morning." good morning norah. >> good morning charlie. congressmen return to capitol hill for day two of a partial government shutdown. neither side is ready to compromise. >> concern is growing that the stalemate could last four weeks. it threatens to upset the debate over increasing the debt limit. nancy is on capitol hill. good morning. >> norah and charlie, good morning. we can't find a single memorial or congressional aid to give us a scenario of how this could be resolved quickly. republicans feel they cannot back down without winning concessions. democrats feel they have the high ground and don't need to negotiate. >> the joint resolution is not agreed to. >> house republicans tried to restore funding for three parts of government tuesday night. the district of columbia, r national parks and veteran affairs. >> you vote no you're responsible for denying them the
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benefits. >> democrats voted down all three bills calling it a pr stunt. >> don't be fooled by what republicans are doing tonight. 19 hours ago, they closed down the government. >> the outlines this stand off have not changed. house republicans will fund the government fully if they get a one year delay of the affordable care act individual mandate requiring all americans to buy insurance. on tuesday they begged senate democrats to bargain. eight lined up on one side of a long negotiating table. >> we need the senate democrat to join us. >> democrats backed by the president refused. >> they've shut down the government every a crusade to deny affordable health care to millions of americans. in other words, they demanded ransom just for doing their jobs. >> a georgia republican -- >> how long are you willing to keep the government partially closed over obama care? >> that's a decision of course
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that our leadership will have to make. we're pay unified team. i can tell you that. >> almost. a small but growing group of house republicans is lashing out. california deven knewness called the party colleagues going over a cliff together. >> i think that is nice because there's probably more choice words i would have for them. they shouldn't go and take your toys and throw a fit and threaten government shutdown. that's what the strategy is. >> reporter: he's in the distinct minority now. there are more republicans that feel obama care is worse for the country than a government shutdown. congress is back in this morning. there are no talks scheduled, no negotiating going on behind closed doors. at this point it's going to take a big public backlash against the government shutdown to turn the standoff around. >> the shutdown is affecting president barack obama 's
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schedule. we learned next week's trip to asia is cut short. major garrett is at the white house. >> the white house announced because of lack of available government workers due to the shutdown, the president has had to cancel two visits next week. one to malaysia and other to the philippines. others have been been cancelled this week. this could be a mere prelude. some at the white house fear it is to a bigger and much more economically consequential fiethd in coming weeks. there are two issues. providing adequate funding for day-to-day functions to operate and second issue is funding a government default, enough authority for the treasury department to cover $17 trillion in debt. white house advisors wonder if republicans will endure the shutdown long enough and keep the fight going in order to bring the white house to a crisis over raising the debt
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ceiling to avoid a government default. related to that yesterday, jack lew sent a letter to congress saying he will have no authority to buy bonds and float debt to avoid default after october 17th. the president meets in just a couple of hours at the white house with top wall street executives and going to urge them to lobby members of congress to raise the debt ceiling to avoid a government default by october 17th with no conditions without delay. the the default could jeopardize the economy in a couple of ways. a downgrading of the u.s. credit rating, sell off on wall street and employers who had just begun to add to payrolls could tighten belts and lay workers off or stop hiring all together. the question is will there be moerkss? right now there aren't any. that's the issue at the white house. >> the biggest signs of the government shutdown are the closing of parks to philadelphia's liberty bell to
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new york city statue of liberty. chip reid is at the memorial with the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning charlie and norah. a group called honor flight net work that brings world war ii veterans here to washington at no charge to see the memorial. for many or most it's the first and possibly last time to see it. very important day. yesterday a group showed up here and were told it was closed. they weren't about to let the government shutdown stand in their way. >> thank you for your service. welcome to the memorial. >> a caravan of world war ii veterans arrived in the capital to visit the memorial built in their honor. >> i've been looking forward to seeing this. >> men and women in their 80s and 90s traveled from mississippi and iowa to see the site in person. this was as close as they could get. >> it means a great deal to me. i've anticipated coming up here
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for years. i finally made it, and you see what our i can see, nothing. >> reporter: the memorial is one of many government run sites closed to the public after congress failed to reach a budget agreement. >> the park service did not want to do this. we've been instructed as a federal agency to close facilities and grounds. >> reporter: these world war ii vets weren't about to be defeated by a temporary fence and couple of keep out signs. >> i was ready to move them myself. >> reporter: with the help from members of congress, the group pushed through the barriers. >> every now and then you've got to ask forgiveness rather than permission. the shutdown and congress weren't far from their minds. >> i'm disgusted with them. get up and do something. >> the shutdown is expected to cost the d.c. region $200 million a day and expected to cost communities near national
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park across the nation 76$76 million a day. >> great story. thank you. the long awaited opening of president barack obama 's health care program had its own issues. the health care website had 3 million visitors in the first 15 hours. many users complained they couldn't successfully enroll. at one point the site shut down completely. state and federal agencies are working to fix the problem. the president said glitches and crashes were expected. he compared it to the introduction of the first iphones. the united general assembly was told yesterday, his country will not have the chemical weapons. he warned the united states and other countries a ran has changed the president but not the ambitions. >> the only difference between them is this, he was a wolf in wolf's clothing. now this is a wolf in sheep's
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clothing. he fooled the world once now he thinks he can fool it again. you see, rowhani thinks he can have yellow cake and eat it too. >> he is warning that u.s. and iran established the first high level contact in decades. kond lisa rice this morning. you how do you test him? . you can't believe the iranians or trust them. they have done everything to make certain you can't trust them. they hid the nuclear program decades, have given the international atomic energy agency the run around. i negotiated myself with the peace side plus one, negotiating team for them. absolutely cannot trust them. you can test them. you can say are you willing to give up nuclear capability fully
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and completely verify bli and see if they'll take the deal. the reason the the iranians are here now, that economy is suffering desperately under the weight of sanctions. they want relief from sanctions. my concern is they're going to want relief before they're willing to do anything. >> he mentioned rowhani many times and didn't talk about the palestinian complex. does it suggest israel is concerned about a falling of relations between the u.s. and iran? >> it is suggested to me the prime minister is dually concerned about the rush to a deal with iran that might not ultimately deal with iran's nuclear program. he's setting a warning out there that shouldn't be done. >> let me ask you this. we just learned the iranian president rowhani told reporters that the u.s. had contacted him five times about setting up a meeting with president barack obama and he told reporters,
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but i rejected that. why would he say that. >> >> i suspect he's trying very hard at home not to appear that he has gone soft. after all, that's a tough regime that's he's a for the of. >> why would obama and the white house request five times? >> i have to say that's the thing the iranian president shouldn't expose if indeed it's true. we should ask the white house whether or not it's true. >> you've been at that level. >> it can make the american president look desperate. you don't want the president to be demon durs. >> they're the ones under sanctions that need sanctions relieved. i would hope that somebody in the white house through whatever channels we can say this is no way to get off. >> we hear you loud and clear. do you believe the iranians because of pressure of sanctions probably have changed that there
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could be a change that could lead to to serious negotiations to dismantle? >> i do not think the regime has changed ambitions. i do think the regime realizes those ambitions are perhaps costing the kind of turmoil at home that they cannot tolerate. by all mean test it. remember you cannot leave the iranians with nuclear capability, leave them with the option for nuclear weapons later on. you leave them the about to reprocess and enrich the iranians. >> i want to turn to the government shutdown. you're a republican. what do you make of what this group of conservatives is doing in the house and the president's actions as well? >> as a citizen, i have to say that this is a pretty ugly site. i would of hoped our leaders both in the white house and congress could sit in a room and say here's what we need to do. it just doesn't make sense to talk through the media on these
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issues. get people in the same room. we have a long history in this country of people reaching across the aisle, to sit in the same room have the good of the country at heart. we're not seeing that now. i think americans find it a apaling. >> is the country held hostage because of the shutdown? >> there are people with a strong view. the president has a strong view. certainly if they can get particularly the leadership in congress which i think wants to get the government going again, they should sit in a room and see if they can't come to conclusion. let's not have the fire fight across the air ways. >> thank you. officials say this morning a man walked up to security screen pers and told them he had a bomb in his backpack. it only contained an electronic
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scale and battery. the airport was closed five hours while police searched the area. the man was arrested and will appear in court today. >> looked like a normal guy, very calm with his hands behind his back. wasn't putting up a fight. he looked like somebody getting arrested. he looked a little drunk to me. >> the suspect faces charges of making a false bomb report. another man was detained and questioned last night and then released. search teams in colorado found the bodies of five members of one family. the only survivor says her father saved her life. we are in colorado. >> reporter: good morning. gracie johnson is in the hospital with several injuries which are not life threatening. that's remarkable given what happened. the community gathered for a vigil here at her school last night to support her and remember those they have lost.
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hundreds of people gathered here with an understanding. this tragedy makes them more than friends and neighbors. >> we're all family here. we're a big family in this community. >> 13-year-old gracie johnson was on a hike with her parents, sister, two cousins monday. they planned to be out a short time to enjoy sunshine. they were trying to get back to town for gracie's test. >> then tragedy struck. without warning, 100 ton boulders started falling over them. gracie was the sole survivor. she told officials her father used his body to shield her from the slide. rescuers were amazed to find her alive. >> he heard somebody screaming and saw a hand sticking out of the rocks. when he heard a scream he was able to start digging and ex tract her from the debris at that point. >> reporter: she suffered a broken leg that required
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surgery. her physical wounds are expected to heal. the community is praying for her emotional well being. her parents dwayne and donna were both coaches at the high school. >> they've been a part of every single person's life in this town. >> reporter: students are offering tributes to the family on a makeshift memorial. gracie's sister was 18 years old. her cousins were 10 and paris 22. those who knew dwayne were not surprised he did all he could to save his daughter's life. >> he would have done the same for any of our children. absolutely. >> reporter: gracie is not alone at the hospital. her older brother and uncle are there. as for the trail where the rock slide happened it remains closed. some county officials would like to keep it permanently closed. heavy rains in the area have increased the danger of rock slides.
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>> thank you manuel. new york's attorney general had accused both companies of cheating on a settlement based on last year. that calls for banks to work with customers in danger of foreclosure. california governor jerry brown signed a bill outlawing revenge porn when people hf put graphic images of their ex s online. the law carries six months in jail or a fine. navy air force football game may be cancelled because of the government shutdown. army's game at boston college is also in limbo. doctors say hormone replacement is worth it. researchers say the risks including strokes and breast cancer were small. they good morning. a little bit of fog and high clouds start you off with.
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here's a live look over san francisco. you can barely see the golden gate bridge. we have high pressure and it continues to build especially over the next few days. we are going to remain mild for now. by this afternoon, we are going to see 60s along the coast, 70s around the bay, and warming up to just barely 80 degrees in some of our inland spots. warmer still by the end of the week into the weekend with highs reaching into the mid- 80s. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by the jcpenney fall sale. it's fall. time to smarten up your wardrobe.
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police make arrests police make arrests in the motorcycle road rage case getting nationwide attention. >> we have new information. . police say the suv driver who was beaten up could also face charges. we'll hear from the family of one of the bikers he ran over. the government shutdown force thousands of faa safety inspectors off the job. peter greenburg is here with what's happening behind the scenes that could you affect your travel. a man known for big donations to the political elite now on trial. how he's accused of stealing millions from people trying to help veterans. if you're living with
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your realtime captioner is mrs. linda m. macdonald good morning. 7:26. i'm frank mallicoat. get you caught up with some bay area headlines now. a san francisco firefighter could face charges for the death of a 16-year-old who survived a crash of asiana at sfo in july. san mateo county prosecutors are expected to make a decision sometime later this month. the suspect in last week's murder of justin valdez in san francisco scheduled to be back in court this morning. 30-year-old nikhom thephakaysone is charged with shooting the 20-year-old san francisco state sophomore as he got off a muni bus. traffic and weather for your wednesday coming up right after the break. on tempur-pedic. sleep train's inventory clearance sale is on now. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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good morning. let's get a check of the bay bridge toll plaza. it is backed up into the maze. the metering lights were turned on before 6:00 this morning. so we are jammed solid in the cash and the fastrak lanes. also, this is an earlier crash northbound 101 at alum rock. it is long since cleared to the center divide. but this traffic is really slow behind it on 101 coming up from 85 where we see brake lights. mass transit including all bart trains on time. >> checking your morning forecast, we are seeing some chilly temperatures outside right now. mainly in the upper 40s to low to mid-50s. napa 46 degrees. 54 in san francisco. mid-50s in oakland. by this afternoon, we are expecting mild weather sunshine lots of it 60s around the coast 70s around the bay. and even squeezing out an 80- degree or two in some of your inland spots.
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spectacular. >> unbelievable. >> just gorgeous. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour the man accuse of running the laencht charity scam in american history goes on trial. now he's charged with swindling people out of more than $100 million. prs kierts say he gave money to politicians. and cha na's version of "the voice" is a huge hit even without adam levine and blake shelton but it's hitting a sour
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note with the government. we'll show you why. >> we have new developments in the roej rage that happened in new york city. it ended violently in upper manhattan. we're also hearing from the family of a motorcyclist who was run over. don dahler is here, good morning. >> good morning, charlie and norah. the nypd is looking for more suspects. so far the driver of the suv is not facing any charges but on tuesday the new york city police chief commissioner said he did not rule that out. investigation is ongoing. the video has already gotten 4 million hits on youtube. it starts with here where it seems the driver is slowing down in front of the suv. police say that was deliberate. >> he's been charged with reckless endpanchangermentendangerment.
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>> reporter: 33-year-old alex ian kwleen and his wife and child were in the suv. >> when you look at the video, you can see he's driving over something. >> the family of the biker jesse says he was seriously injured. >> whatever he did, he got scared. he went and peeled off and pierlized him on the way. >> all his ribs are fractured. his legs are so bradley bruised and he's on a ventilatorer. we believe both of his legs are broken and he may be paralyzed. >> you have to look at the totality of the circumstances and that's what we're doing. >> whether or not the suv driver ran over the drivers because he felt threatened the situation only escalated.
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there was a drawn out chase with one biker smashing the window oust the sufs and the other punching a window. that man has turned eded himself in to the police. moments later the drivers grabbed the driver and assaulted him. some of the drivers are part of a group called hollywood stunts which has an annual goal of rideling through times square. >> this particular group did not ask for a permit. we had over 200 calls on sunday about this particular group operating in a reckless manner. >> the suv driver went to the hospital and was released with stifrps. he reached out to him, but so far, no response. more than 15,000 employees at the federal aviation administration are now on furlough. that's one third of the faa's
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work force. cbs news editor peter greenberg is here. good morning. >> good morning. >> so one third of the faa has been furloughed. should we be concerned about our safety flying? >> it gets down to what is a nonessential employee. the air traffic controllers are work bug those training them are not working. if you close that pipeline, who do you get to stab staff the towers after a certain period of time? >> it does. who's determining the safety checks on pilots. so today, not a problem. it's sort of like saying you have a full tank of gas and you can drive as long as the gas stations are closed. >> what might be suspended? what faa activities. >> some of the opportunistics suspended are certification programs, nextgen operations.
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they've been talking about it for three years. if you're not training you can't staff the towers. if you're not certifying the planes are safe when they come out of maintenance, how are you going to get back the air. does this affect all the people who check us through? >> no. the front line people are still working. if grow beyond that you're looking at similar cutbacks where they're not each being processed. >> what if you need a passport? >> you've got a problem as well. you're going to be waiting. >> thanks pete. >> you bet. prosecutors claim he collected more than $100 million from i do nors across the
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country. as michelle miller reports, this case could reach all the way into washington's house of power. >> reporter: he went by the name of bobbie thompson. someone with connections to the rich and powerful who could be counted on. but according to federal investigators. , that was thompson thompson's attorney says the group was not a charity and never claimed to be. >> these individuals who donated money donated the money knowing that the money would go to loibing efforts. tll's no deception there very thompson was arrested at this house in portland oregon after a two-man hut. it took a strange test. he began signing documents as
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they found an fbi wanted poster. cody disappeared in 19784. boenlt min rely heavy hi on eye drops. he had no tear ducts. >> authority i say a fin der print match confirmed their suspicion. even that is dispute by his lawyer i can honest will i tell you his name is john bobby thompson. >> it was said he was working under cover or a government program to create nonprofit groups furthering u.s. interests. >> i don't believe he was on the run at all. i think he was going to from job
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from the neblt and i don'tnext and bijob i don't mean next. >> for "cbs this morning," >> with that kind of money you question where it went and who might be idea need. >> sure. people think they're donating to navy veterans and/or soldiers and here they're being scammed. we'll be following that story. reality shows in china feature everything from dating to cooking. so why is the government there cracking down on singing shows like "the voice?" that's right. this is an intriguing story. we'll have it for you next on "cbs this morning." "cbs this morning"
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you might think a reality
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singing show on tv wouldn't be controversial, but officials in china have a different way of looking at these types of programs and as seth doane reports, even high ratings are not enough to keep them on the air. >> reporter: china's hottest television show may look familiar. "the voice" of china is modeled after a dutch production with more than 60 spin-offs including the u.s. version. but there's one thing that's dramatically different here, the ratings. the chinese show has drawn up to 46 million viewers a week compared to 14 million in the u.s. >> it's the most popular tv program in china. >> reporter: he works with star media who produces the show. they let us on their set of shanghai studio. when you look at the audience you have such huge numbers that
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television producers in the united states would be jealous. >> in fact we're all very, very surprised when we see this number. >> reporter: did it even surprise you that it's so popular? >> yeah, yeah. >> reporter: all of this has garner ed garnered a response by the government. there are 13 singing competition shows here on the air in china. right now four have been cancelled and three suspended buchl chinese regulators did not stop there adding that tv producers should steer clear of extravel against, putting on dazzling packages to provide, quote, more viewing audiences limiting the number is the
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latest move. the government removed foreign programs from prime-time. over the last seviers sensors have also krit sated shows. at "the voice" we met a long congress student while. do you think the gocht carevernment cares or would make these suggestions? >> it's possible they want to portray us at more sinful than a western style lifestyle. >> they also steer profit away from the state-run television. some wonder if it's designed to control on screen extrash against or offscreen. seth doane shanghai. >> i love to hear the government
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canceled it for low taste and excessive entertainment. can you imagine if that were the standard here in america. >> where good morning. a little bit of fog and high clouds start you off with. here's a live look over san francisco. you can barely see the golden gate bridge. we have high pressure and it continues to build especially over the next few days. we are going to remain mild for now. by this afternoon, we are going to see 60s along the coast, 70s around the bay, and warming up to just barely 80 degrees in some of our inland spots. warmer still by the end of the week into the weekend with highs reaching into the mid- 80s. much of the government's closed again today. political analyst frank luntz asked voters who is to blame. said the answers surprised him. that ice 'head on cbs.
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the president and the new evil dictator of iran they actually chatted on the
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telephone. >> hello. you have reached the white house. to continue in english, please press or say 1. >> 1. >> press the name you want. >> president obama obama. >> police say the name of the white house department you're trying to reach. >> i didn't get that. >> go to www -- >> representative representative. >> one moment. >> son of a bitch. >> we were just talking about this about voice recognition. >> that was pretty -- >> yeah. you're really cracking up. >> i liked it. smart writers will do that for you. >> all right. some people think washington is a wild and dangerous place, but you need to go a few miles up the potomac to find the real danger in some of the world's best whitewater rapids.
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the attraction and the risks of extreme kayaking. that story's ahead right here on "cbs this morning." i just love cherry preserves. is that your favorite? i don't know... i also like strawberry, boysenberry, red raspberry, blackberry sweet orange marmalade apple, pineapple concord grape, apricot, peach, blueberry... [ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker grew up knowing that with so many delicious varieties, it's tough to choose just one favorite. apricot pineapple... [ male announcer ] for five generations with a name like smucker's it has to be good. [ superfan ] we're hitting the road to help america discover the new helper. you've got to try this sweet & sour chicken helper. i didn't know they
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made chicken. crunchy taco or four cheese lasagna? can i get another one of those actually? [ superfan ] hey, america we're here to help. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] did you know the average person smiles more than 50 times a day? so brighten your smile a healthy way with listerine® whitening® plus restoring rinse. it's the only rinse that makes your teeth two shades whiter and two times stronger. ♪ ♪ listerine® whitening®... power to your mouth.
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we asked people, "if you could get paid to do something you really love, what would you do?" ♪ ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪ ♪ when you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪ ♪
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>> your realtime captioner is mrs. linda m. macdonald good morning, it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. glitches and an overloaded system caused a backlog when people tried to sign up for the new healthcare law. on the first day of enrollment yesterday this call center in concord people were on hold for more than half an hour. all classes should be back on schedule at uc-berkeley today after a power outage and explosion disrupted parts of the campus. the university brought in generators yesterday to provide electricity to the affected buildings. authorities say monday's outage as connected to the theft of copper wiring. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment.
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female announcer: the savings really stack up during sleep train's inventory clearance sale. save 10, 20, even 35% on a huge selection of simmons and sealy clearance mattresses. get two years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. even get free delivery! sleep train stacks the savings high to keep the prices low. the inventory clearance sale is on now! guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ you ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ good morning. the commute looks okay unless
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you're in walnut creek. we have a new accident southbound 680 approaching treat boulevard and traffic is jammed behind it all the way out towards concord. it looks like it was just cleared to the right-hand shoulder but traffic is heavy past the accident towards lafayette. here's a live look at the nimitz freeway. right around now we see brake lights northbound 880 no exception today as you pass the oakland coliseum and heavy towards downtown oakland. let's check the forecast. if you are heading outside right now, here's a live look at some hazy conditions out over the bay. that's a live look at the bay bridge. current temperatures still on the cooler side. 50 in pacifica, 54 in san francisco, mid-50s in oakland. by this afternoon sunshine will return. we are going to be 60s at the coast, 70s around the bay and 80 in some of the inland spots. warmer by friday through the weekend reaching into the mid-80s. ♪ ♪ [ engine revs, tires squeal ] [ male announcer ] since we began,
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mercedes-benz has pioneered many breakthroughs. ♪ ♪ breakthroughs in design... breakthroughs in safety... in engineering... and technology. and now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. introducing the cla. starting at $29,900. ♪ ♪
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it is 8:00 a.m. in the west. welcome back to "cbs this morning." fears are growing that the partial government shutdown could last for weeks. we'll ask a congressman who voted to block obama care to how to break the impasse. why are so many women not going after those jobs? we have some answers. and politics is not the only extreme sport on the potomac. kayakers are running dangerous rapids just a few miles from the capitol capitol. but here's a look at the eye opener @ 8. republicans feel they cannot back down without significant concessions. democrats thing they have the high ground and don't need to
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negotiate. >> the president has had to cancel two planned visits next week, one to malaysia and the other to the philippines. can you believe the iranians? and therefore the question is how do you test them? >> you can say are you willing to give up your nuclear capability verifiably and see if they'll take the deal. jacksonville international airport in florida is open this morning after a bomb scare. >> the people under arrest are both bikers and the nypd is looking for more suspects. >> the people who are training the air traffic controllers are not working. >> the number of these singing competition shows is just the latest move by the government regulatory body that oversees everything broadcast on television here in china. >> the long awaited opening of president obama's health care program has had issues. >> so many people have signed up, it crashed. >> i guess they're right. it's not working. i'm charlie rose with gayle
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king and norah o'donnell. the partial government shutdown enters its second day this morning. federal offices, parks and monuments around the country are closed. about 800,000 workers are sitting at home. >> house republicans are still trying to get some departments running again, but both parties are digging in for a prolonged fight. nancy cordes is on capitol hill. >> we've seen no major steps towards a resolution over the past 24 hours. the only development came last night when house republicans tried to pass three bills restoring funding to parts of the federal government. there are some house republicans who say that this is a bad strategy, that it is not going to do good things for the party, but right now they are in a distinct minority. talking to business leaders again today trying to get them on board.t text1 plain don't need to negotiate. they feel they have the high ground in this standoff. for "cbs this morning" i'm nancy
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cordes on capitol hill. they met last night with a group of 21 voters to get their take on the shutdown. the group included both democrats and republicans. both said they don't like what congress is doing. >> tell the american people what is this about? what is the fight about to you? what are they doing? >> after so many years, they still haven't passed a budget. they're overspending money that we don't have that our children our grandchildren don't have. >> it's frustrating. there needs to be more compromise. i want to see spending come down. >> what terrifies me are the tactics. what kind of precedent does this set? if there's something that my party disagrees with be it abortion or gun control, et cetera, i can threaten to shut down the government if i don't get my way? >> both sides are demonizing the others to the greatest extent possible. >> i feel like there's no respect between the two sides on this. >> do you guys agree with that? >> yes. >> let me ask you another question, do they respect you?
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>> no. >> is this the way american government should be run? >> absolutely not. the dialogue has stopped. and an issue health care reform federal air act, which has been legislated ratified and upheld by the u.s. supreme court while not in perfect form is the minimal to be improved. >> i feel that that law was ram rodded through to the american people. >> but is that any reason to shut the government down? >> i think that people who were elected on that platform are standing by their scruples and i think that that's perfectly acceptable. >> obama himself with all due respect, was acting a bit like a spoiled child where he said i will not move budget change compromise, give in negotiate the last couple of -- >> why does he need to change when it's already been passed? we had a whole election based on
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it. >> one at a time. congress might not be listening to you, but if they heard you, i don't know exactly what they would hear. it's a cacophony of sounds. and that makes this whole thing so challenging. i'll give you the last word. >> i don't think they care what we have to say because i read a statistic recently that over half of members of congress become lobbyists once they leave both parties, and so they're more interested in advancing their own interests and the interests of trade groups and other people who can afford to pay them than they are ours, so i don't think what we say in this room is really going to sway them one way or the other. >> oh i hope you're wrong. let me put it this way, if you're not wrong, i have wasted my life. >> he's with us now from washington. frank, good morning. is there any sense that the people you interviewed feel like they have any pressure
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especially on the group of house republicans who feel they're standing on principle? >> no there was a lot of frustration. norah, that room we held this in a congressional hearing room paneled by those beautiful paintings. what you didn't see too much of was the conflict between average americans, the intensity, the bitterness. all it took was about two minutes before they got in it with each other. and if they can't agree with each other, how can they possibly agree to put pressure on washington? they just think that washington isn't listening, washington doesn't care and the congressmen, the senators that follow me on this show you should ask them that question why do so many americans think that washington is totally out of touch? >> with us now from capitol hill utah congress jason chav its. you heard from those people in that group, what do you say to
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them who believe that washington doesn't care what they say and is not listening? >> well the pig sty that is washington, d.c. gets mud on a lot of people. and the question is what are you going to do moving forward? what i don't understand is why the president and the senate democrats will not agree to come talk to those of us that have deep concerns about the fair ness that is obama care. that to is not understandable to people in my district and across the country. come to the table and talk about your differences. the house republicans, that's what they're trying to do. >> some would say you've already voted on obama care. that discussion has already been had. that's the argument of the president. you're talking about legislation that has been passed. >> what we're concerned about is since that legislation was passed, there have been hundreds of exceptions put out there. what we've said is congress should live by the same rules that everybody else is living by
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and businesses are going to get an exception, how about the individuals get an exception? that seems to be reasonable ground to create an even playing field, given that the president union laterally changed the law since it was passed. >> some say if we're not getting paid, you all shouldn't get paid either. that things would go a lot quicker if members of congress weren't paying during this ordeal. >> i had a difficult discussion with my wife a few days ago. i sent a letter over to the clerk of the house and said hold my paycheck until this gets resolved. that's not fun for the chaffetz family. under the constitution i'll eventually get paid. but i'm trying to do i think, the right thing and give up my own paycheck until this is resolved. >> a lot of people aren't following that position but it seems to be very contentious even in the republican party. one of your colleagues called you guys lemmings. he said you don't seem to have
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an endgame. the democrats will be the ones to benefit from the shutdown. what do you say about that? >> i think we're very united. we were trying to pass bills last night to make sure the military's paid. that's already gone through. but then we try to make sure that the veterans are taken care of, that we open up the national parks, that we're opening up those monuments, we take care of the problems here in d.c. they have nothing to do with obama care, by the way, yet the democrats have said we're not going to negotiate, we're not going to talk we're not going to fund other parts of the government. come on, what you heard in the focus group is come to the table and have a discussion. that's what house republicans are asking for. >> on that note congressman, about having a discussion the house has voted more than 40 times to defund obama care. it hasn't gone anywhere. the supreme court has ruled on this. it is the law of the land. businesses have to apply and comply with the law, right? why not work -- >> businesses don't. they got an exception. that's our issue, is that the
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president union laterally for very special interests granted them exceptions. they don't have to comply with the mandate. we're saying that individuals should have that same right as businesses. that's the way the law was set up but that's not the way it is right now. >> businesses and individuals are already making plans to comply with the law. why not try and change the law, which is the normal process of legislating. laws get passed they're not always great or perfect, so members of congress work to change that over time once they get reaction from their constituents, business, others. why not make that solution? >> we can't get to a solution until the senate democrats and the president of the united states himself agree to have a discussion about it. it's hard to believe that the president of the united states day after day will look the people in the eye and say, there is nothing to talk about here. well, there is something to talk about. at least sit downte don'ne at leadiscussion. >> congressman chaffetz thank you. we're learning this morning that author tom clancy has died.
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he wrote a series of spy novels including the hunt for red october, clear and present danger and patriot games. tom clancy was facebook paid $1 billion for instagram. we'll have cheryl standberg about the change us can expect. on "cbs this morning." jaiks
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the potomac river is one of the most quiet and beautiful parts of washington, d.c. but just 14 miles west of the white house you can find class five rapids that are so dangerous that only expert kayakers can run them. david martin followed one paddler, she's 23-year-old shannon kristi in this story for 60 minutes sports for showtime. >> for her first run down the fall, shannon is rolling with two of the biggest boys in the sport, steve fisher is the cameraman. and jason beaks is our guide.
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walking her through the route to take down. >> right there in the middle -- >> and warning her to stay away from the deadly chute called subway. >> yeah. >> here she goes for her first run. >> well i entered the rapid and i thought i was actually going to be a little bit low where i wanted to enter, but water was pretty much taking me right where you want to go. so then i was too far right, but was able to get my bow around. and a lot of big strokes. oh, that was great. i cannot wait to do it again. >> there's nothing like that first time. but the race is just days away and she knows she can do it better. >> now we're just going to charge. definitely. >> her enthusiasm is infectious but that doesn't change the fact
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that these are class five rapids, an international rating which means extremely difficult and violent with life threatening hazards. >> the risk becomes much higher when you start to do class five. >> what distinguishes class four from class five? >> a lot has to do with the consequences of making an error. >> because the cockpit has a spray skirt to keep water out, it's possible for a kayaker to right himself and keep on paddling. it's called the eskimo roll. it's not an easy move but making it when you have to is the essence of kayaking. in class five rapids, how many chances are you going to get to make that roll? >> maybe two. and then you're probably going to be swimming after that. >> can you swim in a class five rapid? >> you have a very short time. very short time. >> short time before what? >> before you have to get out. you know or before you and your boat are going to get swept into
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a place you didn't intend to go. you're going to lose control and get swept into something bad. >> hopefully you don't swim in class five but we have all been in situations where you have had to pull your skirt and be ejected from the kayak and swim. so it's not something that's ideal or that you want to do but it does happen. the best of the best swim. >> two days before the race as our cameramen were setting up to record more practice runs they spotted an empty kayak at the bottom of the fall. the kayak was shambles. it was too late to save her and it took heroic efforts just to recover her body which was pinned under tons of fallen water. the race was canceled instead the kayakers gathered to mourn a fallen paddler. >> that's just a really gripping story. and really scary.
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we know what happened on shannon's run? >> nobody saw the actual accident, but we know that she came out of her kayak for some reason. so she was in that condition where she was trying to swim in class five rapids. and without the power of the paddle to propel you, you're at the mercy of the current. and she got swept over this one place where kayakers know never to go. and in fact the last person who had been swept over that was -- >> is that the place they were warning about? >> the subway yes. >> subway? >> yes. there are rocks at the bottom. she was killed almost instantly. >> you can see the full report tonight on 60 minutes sports on showtime. you're watching "cbs this morning." this portion sponsored by toyota. let's go places. toyota. let's go places.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] build anything with the new toyota tundra. toyota. let's go places. [ female announcer ] hurry in to the jcpenney fall sale. doorbusters this friday 3:00 p.m. to saturday 1:00 p.m. like $14.99 select bras and $4.88 jcp home bath towels. plus, 4 days starting friday get a coupon at for an extra $10 $15 or $20 off jcpenney. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i see you made yourself breakfast. how'd you know? ♪ ♪
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your realtime captioner is mrs. linda m. macdonald hi, everyone. and good morning. 8:25 your time. i'm frank mallicoat. time for some news headlines around the bay area. in an hour contract negotiations will continue between bart and its unions. union negotiators sent a counterproposal to bart management last night. if a deal is not reached by the end of the day on october 10, we could see another strike. san jose firefighters believe a prayer shrine is to blame for an early-morning attic fire. four people were able to safely escape on delmas avenue. nobody was injured. no charges will be filed in the death of two brentwood dogs. a neighbor told police he killed the dogs because they got into his chicken coop and killed 40 of his birds. california state law allows a person to reasonably defend his
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livestock if it means killing another animal. traffic and weather coming up. fix-it videos... and watch "boardwalk empire." helps sam with math... [ beeping ] ...and online gaming. and suze loves her smartphone for "social" studies... like video-chatting with sara. hi, ms. kelly. hi, sara. [ male announcer ] call to get the fastest internet for the price -- $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. on our newly expanded advanced digital network get more connectivity, reliability and speed options -- now up to 45 megs. we have our own private wi-fi hot spot -- right here. getting connected is no problem -- even all at the same time. it's fast. it's reliable. and it's affordable. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. with a wireless gateway, connect all your devices and save on tablet and smartphone data usage at home. now i can do the things i want to do like email my mother-in-law. or check celebrity gossip. [ male announcer ] at&t brings it all together. ♪ ♪
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good morning. we got a new crash now in san jose. motorcycle accident northbound 101 right there approaching old oakland road and it looks like it's really jammed from at least the 280 interchange. we are seeing slow traffic from capitol expressway. here's a live look outside. the nimitz freeway 880 in oakland, a bit of a traffic jam right now as you approach 66
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near the oakland coliseum. slow-and-go down towards downtown oakland and the bay bridge has completely thinned out. the metering lights are on but traffic looks really good approaching the pay gates. slow down the eastshore freeway from berkeley into emeryville. let's check outside. here's a live look at current conditions. a little bit of fog out there, patchy fog and some low clouds. but for the most part temperatures chilly in the upper 40s in santa rosa, napa, mid-50s in oakland and vallejo. 54 degrees right now in san rafael. we are forecasting a lot of sunshine by this afternoon with highs reaching the 60s around the coast, 70s around the bay and low 80s in our inland spots. the warming trend continues over the next couple of days. thursday, friday, saturday, a real warmup with temperatures reaching into the mid-80s in those inland spots.
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[ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to find big savings on the things you need. just make a straight line to safeway. your club card gets you deals you can't find anywhere else. this week, folgers is $6.88 for the large size. that's a lot of coffee. skip the warehouse. charmin is $13.99 for 24 double rolls. and lean cuisine entrees are just a buck 99. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour sheryl sandberg has made it into the field of technology but these days fewer women are following her in that field. we'll ask her what it will take to reverse that. >> rick pitino says positive people always get through adversity. he has advice for people looking for a better life. a team of syrian weapons inspectors is looking for weapon this morning. our cbs news team that has been reporting this morning, elizabeth palmer was the only american network correspondent in the country at the height of last month's crisis. she was just nominated.
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clarissa ward won two for reporting from syria. joining us is condoleezza rice, a cbs news contributor. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> this is good to have you here. >> yes. good to be here. >> let's start with you, the developments, how they're playing out on the rebels' side especially the push and pull of the rebel part on the opposition? >> i think the rebels are highly skeptical about these developments while the rest of the international community is very excited with the chemical weapons resolution. the rebels and a lot of people who speak for them see the chemical weapons as see essentially as a sigh show. they're wanting to dismantle the convexal weapons is that have killed over 100,000 people in syria. >> elizabeth, what's the challenge for the inspectors that are in there now? >> it looks as if they've got a pretty good list of what is supposed to be in the stock, so they'll actually go -- fizz look i go into the storage spaces and
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the research spaces and manufacturing spaces and check off what needs to with taken and destroy destroyed. it's the getting in that's going to be difficult. two of them are hot zones and there're no clear resolution that they'll say we're going to give you safe passage. come on in. it's going be very dangers. >> is there any understanding or believe that they can somehow move somewhere where they will not be destroyed or detected? >> i think it's always a risk but we have to remember that russian credibility on the luchblt russians have the whiphand and they're going to do everything they can to make sure it happens. >> let's talk with you, secretary rice. were you surprised that this agreement to give up the chemical weapons came to quickly after they were an off-the-cuff remark? >> i have spent a lot of time with vladimir putin.
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he saw an opening to displace the united states very well in this conflict. he saw an eat to secure russia's re-entry into the middle east since henry kissinger did. he's interested in russia. not in assad or syrian situation. give him credit. he's done a fabulous job of making russia the main story. >> is there a danger for the u.s.? >> while on the issue with the chemical weapons our issues are definitely coincident. we also want to see the chemical weapons dismantled. when it comes to the outcome of the several war in syria rngs our interests are not the same. their interests are in establishizing the assad regime and getting an outcome that's in their direction. their interests do not, for instance, are not concerned with
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the fact that the iranians are a dominant factor in 30,000 or so iranian fighters inside syria. we have some common interests around not having al qaeda be a major presence in syria, but we have to be careful because the russians have done a very good job of securing it. >> also i don't think we've been clear what our interests are. our policy we seem to say one thing and kind of do nothing. say one thing, kind of do nothing. we're going to arm the rebels. three month later i'm standing in the weapons area and they don't have be up kiss. >> also to take up your point, thichlk this is a very elegant piece of diplomacy. in the end syria is giving way chechl cal weapons it was using minimally if at all and they haven't given away any of the
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main tools they're use in. the rebels that are not being armed are most likely. the people being armed are extremisted. they're using the horrors of conventional weapons against its own people and so when you look at the situation on the ground and you say if you now go to diplomacy, it's going to reflect what's on the ground. who's in the weakest position on the ground? the rebels most co-incident -- >> will they look back and say it was a mistake u.s. not to support them. >> i was in favor of providing weapons to the rebel free army. i think then you had a chance to support nonextremist elements. when people say there are huge
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amounts, yes. there were fewer a year ago and fewer from now. i think not acting here was mistake. >> i want to get your take on something. there was a story in the guardian who said most girls can't find syria on a map and you and i have spoken about this. it turns out that the the head of the beirut journal chief, no, times, "washington post," the telegraph are all women. what do you think is the role of women journalist it. s in syria now. what has changed? >> i think the women are really dominating in terms of the syrian coverage we have seen and i think one tiny part of that may be -- people always assume you're a woman in the middle east. it must be so tough. how do you do it? >> actually it's a tremendous honor to because you're afforded access to other women which our
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male counterparts are not. you go to the vm and sit down with the women. they know everything that is happening in that village. >> you're absolutely right. >> do you think women are more open to talking to women journalists. >> i know that one of the main advantages is that women are more invisible. i think i can always get through a military check point more easily than a machblt i can melt into a crowd and put on a head scarf and virtually disappear. u afternoon met with the wives. you'd be surprised how much close cloet they rlg have in their own societies and you learn things through the networks you would not other learn. i want to return to one point. i think our lives in the region whether it is israel tore golf states are also quite concerns particularly the golf states the saudis the uae and others.
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they went out on a limb with us that assad had to go. and now assad seems to be in a stronger position than he was six months ago and i think that's the problem >> they've been arming the rebels who are not necessarily oural lies. >> we said we're going to leave this to the regional powers. we wants a syria that was for all syrians. >> it's a conversation that we go on and on and on with. >> it's so great to have you. >> it's great moment to have you here. >> thank you. thank you all o. >> condoleezza rice elizabeth palmer, and clarissa ward.
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jones. there's a worrying trend regarding education in the u.s. 30 years ago women made up more than a third of graduates with a computer science degree but now only about one-eighth of computer signs grads are female. more than 4,500 women in technology to discuss how that will trend. the keynote speaker is cheryl sandberg facebook's chief on rating officer and author of book "lean in." good morning. >> good moorng thanks for having me. >> why is that mentioned? >> it's tied to typing. this is another example of zwrern stereotypes holding women and back and our society back. then computer went into the home when pcs were inverted.
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what kids did on the computer were largely play games. they quickly became something that boys did, not girls, and they moved into the science department. we know this is just a stereo type. you can't see what you can't be. if more women become convinced they can be we will reverse this trend. >> what do you say to the women? what do you want them to know? >> i want the women to know. >> most know that. i am women, hear me roar. especially if a girl sits there. i think she could do it. >> the data says stereotypes hold us back. the reason they don't go good is because even tells them you bonlt.
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if you tell them they do well they do better. it bridges together women and tech notgy so they can talk it getting into it. how is it compared to the wage gap? >> the wage grab for women in this country has not moved. 77 on the dollar oven average. consumer science is not only great demand in a higher economy, 25 30 up to 50% more. the wage gap ineverybody it inl getting better. >> is it better or worse than countries like china and asia and europe and kafts gnat yeah.
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>> i went to china two weeks ago. what's so mae amazing is no matter wli you went. everywhere in the world boys should be assertive and be liters. everywhere in the world we should be following. we call little girls the bossy. nor norah bossy. instead of calling her bossy she says my little girl has executive leadership skills. >> is there a general attitude in silicon valley about nsa and the snowden disclosures? >> it's a hard issue and brings up something important to all of us privacy and national
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security which we false and we came out strongly and said it. the nsa doesn't have any access to our servers and it bus or protohow many timing -- in neverings they requested from us. over the lasts is moj its oi to or 30 dlerthrow. to break out the number between nal as an raese security. we'd like to by more trance sparnlt parent. >> facebook bought instagram. they're going to do advertisement in instagram. are you going to see -- i'm add
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advocate ts. i nirng you want to understand the points you look what branlsd clurnt degree on inindustry garage followers. i think people will use it well. >> we're going to instagram you tort. >> live sharon sand berg. individual. hall of fame cocaine rick pitino is female announcer: the savings really stack up during sleep train's inventory clearance sale. save 10, 20, even 35% on a huge selection of simmons and sealy clearance mattresses. get two years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. even get free delivery! sleep train stacks the savings high to keep the prices low.
8:47 am
the inventory clearance sale is on now! guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ you ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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this has been some year for coach rick pitino. in april he led louisville to an ncaa championship. last month he became a member of the basketball hall of fachl he even had a horse that ran in the kentucky derby. he was very busy.
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he wrote a book "a one-day contract: how to value every day of your life. good morning, coach pitino. i think you're onto something. you say in a one-day contract he always plays best his final year. you should do what? >> 2 1/2 years ago i thought about coming into this industry. i said i'm going to rebrand myself first of all and stop worrying about the future, stop thinking about the past. and i'm going to work on a one-day contract and that's when i started writing this book trying to get from the night before, the way i prepare for the next day right before going to bed i'm going to get every ounce of perspiration out of my body. if i do that i'm referred for the next day. >> you also said humility is something you lacked for a lodges time and that's very important. >> >> the sill tixs taught me
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that. when you face failure, you blame everybody else. in reality you look yourself in the mirror and say why did yacht now succeed. it gets you humble. when you're humble you listen more. you understand what roads to travel. >> for me failure was a lesson. we win as a team. >> failure teaches you more than success? >> i think humility -- i tell my players all the time. there's only one thing that's going to stop you. any time ego gets in the way, you edge greatness out. you get complaisant and stop working. ego kills every coach, every athlete, and it stops them from reap irtheir potential. >> it's great idea the one-day contract living it to fullest.
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but you can't coach a team they can you? i mean you've got have strategy. >> it's more maximizing your day. if it's laser sharp focus. i talk about the trap of technology. how -- >> may players admitted the over day -- they're going to understate their hours to me. how much do you deal with social media to me. they say four hours each. one person said the whole day. i said can you imagine if you took two of those hours and got in the gym and worked on your trald? four hours and none of it impacting anybody's lifes you. you go to the dinner table and start takes out their phone. sol we we don't like that for our team. >> you won't take recruits if
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they're -- >> they're'll be texting. speaking beyond that beyond pure skill what are you looking for who can take you to your own dreams? i look for somebody that's really hungry to reach his potential. they're willing to pay the price to get there. i'm recruiting my fourth young man from africa. i find they are a dream. their education is so important for them. they're hungry to reach their. i tell anybody from after karm go after them. >> who has the best recruiting season this year? >> kentucky has had the best recruiting class in the history of college basketball and they'll be at preseason number one. duke will be up there. >> and louisville. thank you, coach. great to see you. "the one-day
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your realtime captioner is mrs. linda m. macdonald hi, everyone. good morning. 8:55. i'm frank mallicoat. we have your kpix 5 headlines now. two suspects accused in a deadly shooting at an oakland sleepover due in court in a few minutes. police say 22-year-old darnell williams and 27-year-old joseph carroll shot and killed 8-year- old alaysha carradine back in july. she is one of oakland's youngest murder victims this year. police think williams opened fire in retaliation for another killing that happened in berkeley earlier that day. san jose firefighters knocked down a house fire this morning. four people inside got out safely. it's believed to be a prayer shrine in the attic that actually started that fire. and tom clancy author of the hunt for red october has passed away. the 66-year-old best-selling author died overnight at a
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baltimore hospital. his novel set the bar for military accuracy from patriots game to clear and present danger. two good movies, as well. clancy was 66. here's liz now with a check of your forecast. >> thanks, frank. we're seeing partly cloudy skies right now over san jose. mild weather on tap for later on this afternoon. right now, we are seeing some temperatures in the 40s and low to mid-50s. so we have high pressure. it continues to build to move farther east but temperatures will remain mild for now. we are going to warm up by this week. so this afternoon we are going to see highs in the 60s along the coast, 70s around the bay, very low 80s in our inland spots. warmer still like i said for thursday, friday, and right on into the weekend with 70s around the coast and mid-80s in our inland spots. i'll have a check of your "timesaver traffic" right after this break.
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good morning. getting a check of the san mateo bridge right now, westbound 92 red sensors it looks like from hayward all the way into foster city this morning. and getting a check of the drive time, pretty busy right now almost 40 minutes you can see all that slow traffic at least in the commute direction westbound leaving hayward. it is jammed up from the flat section and over the high-rise. bay bridge a great alternative with no delays.
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9:00 am
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